Restoration is a long-term investment.
We see the value in monitoring the benefits accrued by our restoration efforts over time, while improving operations and expanding our geographical scope. Our strategy is to scale up restoration efforts annually while implementing effective management, monitoring, education and research programs.

Our core pillars
Scientifically rigorous methodologies, monitoring practices and data collection.
Collaboration with local ocean-users, government authorities, community and regional restoration experts.
Awareness and support for coral reef restoration and conservation generated through education.
Advocacy for policy and behavioral change that minimize anthropogenic impacts on marine systems.
Our Strategy
Years 1 & 2
The first 2 years are focused on the planning and implementation of our active coral restoration program, along with a lionfish hunting derby. See our current projects for more details.
Years 3 & 4
The following years will be focused on expanding nursery operations to increase coral abundance and diversity as well as the geographical extent of restored sites. We aim to enhance monitoring via photomosaics, and strive to introduce other complementary species within our nursery operations to increase restoration outcomes.
Years 5+
As we continue to scale up restoration efforts, we aim to integrate an on-land laboratory facility. This space will allow us to drastically enhance the growth rate, abundance and temperature resilience of coral fragments. It will also allow us to raise other keystone species in coastal ecosystems such as urchins and queen conch. We aspire to use this coral restoration program as a model for subsequent programs around the island.
Photo credits in order of appearance: Roddy Grimes-Graeme, Reef Renewal Bonaire, Clinton B. Edwards, Molly Wilson